Sunday, October 31, 2010

What is interactive??

According to James only humans can be interactive with one another. He said that games are not interactive because the choices and paths are predetermined. So Brittany asked him why is there a class called Interactive Storytelling then? He said he couldn't speak for the class or the teacher because he wasn't in charge of it. So I said, if interactivity can only be between two humans why do we take Interactive Storytelling, because everyone in the class is making a game, which according to him is NOT interactive. He said that the class projects didn't need to have anything I said then WHY is it a mandatory class offered by the DIGITAL World's Institute, because that would imply to everyone that your work in these classes should be digital. He proceeded to say that just because you go to the University of Florida doesn't mean you only learn about Florida. To which I responded that if you attend the Fischer School of Accounting you learn about accounting or the business school you learn about business. I suggested DWI change the name of the class since it is currently impossible to be interactive with a computer...according to the program's Director.

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