Friday, August 27, 2010

Interactive assignment 1

Our first assignment for Interactive Storytelling is to talk about video games we've played a lot in our lives. I used to play computer games like Carmen SanDiego, Oregon Trail, and Echo the Dolphin because my brothers wouldn't let me play with their Sega and N64 very often. Carmen San Diego is a great game because it was fun and I learned a lot about geography and the world. Most educational games aren't as interesting and fun as Carmen. I always liked the Oregon Trail because I had family that went on the Oregon Trail in real life. After my Dad's side of the family emigrated to the US they trekked out west and settled in Idaho. I loved the game and felt like it was what my family went through without losing most of the members to snake bites, dysentery, and drowning when the river was too deep to wade.

When I would sneak in to my brothers' room to play the game systems I played a lot of Mortal Kombat and Sonic the Hedgehog. I was usually Kitana, Raiden, Scorpion, or Jax (when he got the metal arms). I remember sitting on the floor playing Mortal Kombat listening to the Spice Girls on the radio in 5th grade! haha I was a fan of Sonic and i was okay with his little friend but sometimes he just got in the way.

Now I play the Wii a little bit and stupid online games. I'm really good at the Wii target game, ping pong, and tanks. I also play Super Mario Brothers and Galaxy with my boyfriend but he pretty much carries our team! My real talent is in Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook. I'm really amazing at moving jewels around super fast to score as many points as possible in 1 minute. I got my highest score of 752,000 yesterday and as sad as it is, I'm pretty proud of it! I also do a lot of crosswords and play solitaire on my iPhone 4.

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