Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Things I know by Heart

I know A LOT of things by heart. Especially songs!! I could sing/rap more songs acapella than I could possibly write down! A few are: "Sittin on the Dock of the Bay" by Otis Redding, "Keep Ya Head Up" by Tupac, "Grillz" by Nelly, "Sexy Love" by Neyo, "Unpredictable" by Jamie Foxx, "Lookin at Me" by Mase, "Ticks" "Mud on the Tires" and "Alcohol" by Brad Paisley, as well as several songs by Dierks Bentley, Toby Keith, Aaliyah, Ciara, Alan Jackson, Josh Turner, Jimmy Buffett, Coldplay, Death Cab for Cutie, The Dream, Postal Service, Incubus, Jack Johnson, oldies, and many many many more!!!

I also know a lot of movie quotes by heart. My brothers and I have always played movie quote games and even though the two of them are way better than I am, I'm still pretty good at guess movie quotes and using them in conversation! One movie I can recite frequently is "Pulp Fiction". I have a few of those monologues and conversations down pat. I also know some stories by heart, mostly greek mythology and children's stories, but I'm not confident enough to say that I could get through all of them without messing up.

Songs are by far the easiest things to remember. They have the melody coupled with the rhyming that gives them the perfect combination to remember every word. I also tend to get obsessed with songs and play them constantly until I get so sick of them I can't listen to them for a month! I have an eclectic taste in music which is why it is my favorite art form. I love how music can transport you to the exact place and time of when you listened to that song. Older songs are like instant nostalgia that flood your mind with memories.

Chapter 1 of the Text - Internet

Another part of the text mentioned in class was the idea that the Internet is all about attention. I completely agree! The internet is the perfect platform for people to get attention! People can spill their guts on a blog or online journal, share their pictures with flickr, Facebook, or one of the other hundred photo sharing sites, talk about their day on Facebook and Twitter, get naked on websites and chat roulette, and share every aspect of their life with the rest of the world. Companies also use the internet for attention in order to advertise and gain market share. Its all about the "look at me" factor and the hope that other people actually care about your perspective and want to hear your story or keep up with your life... which in most cases they don't! Most people want everyone else to care about him/her and his/her life, but don't care about anyone else's! The internet is a way to show how self absorbed people can be in a completely acceptable manner!

The internet has been a revolutionary discovery and while it has transformed from an academic and research based platform into a look at me platform, it is still a vital tool. Despite the attention seeking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Livejournal, YouTube, Blogger, personal porn sites, email, photo sharing sites, advertisements, and the classifieds, the internet can provide people with research, history, and information with convenience and ease. Not all attention is bad either, people can easily and effectively use the internet to sell things on Craigslist, read news articles, research for papers and general knowledge, and connect with one another. While the majority of the content on the internet is about getting attention, being seen, and showing the world a certain perspective it is not all bad or trivial. Because while I don't care whether or not my parent's friend's 14 year old daughter "likes" 700 silly sayings on Facebook or what her step by step plan is for the day, I do like the internet and am addicted to the phenomenon that is Facebook!

Chapter 1 of the text - Perspective

I forgot to blog about chapter one prior to class on Tuesday, however, we discussed many elements of the chapter in class which I'm interested in blogging about now! Perspective has always been intriguing to me. There are so many different ways to talk about perspective. When regarding film, perspective can be the view from the camera, whether it is tilted, zoomed in or out, focusing on an object, first person, or omnipotent, but it can also be the character's outlook on situations in the plot. In art, perspective is the angles of the objects to create the illusion of depth and the view from which the drawing or painting is created.

In the real world, perspective is the point of view of people. Not one creature in the entire universe (currently and historically) will ever have the same perspective as another creature. I love the idea of each person's perspective is completely original and unique. The eyes that you view the world from are different from everyone else. No one has had the exact same experiences and therefore each person's viewpoint and out look on life is different. You can try to understand where a person is coming from and "see it from their perspective," but you will never truly know their perspective.

I had an idea for a horror movie a few years ago, which played on the idea of perspective. The movie was about 5 college students living off campus in a house on a creek woods, and spans over a 2 day period. The murderer is on the run and hiding out in the woods behind the house. On Friday night, the students go out to a bar while the killer goes into the house, eats food, tries on clothes, looks through their pictures and other personal belongings in order to get to know his targets. On Saturday night, the students decide to take magic mushrooms. The movie would play on the perspective of the tripping students (with distorted and colorful special effects) and the sober killer. I also wanted to include the view of each student as they died and explore the idea of the very last image a person sees before they slip over to the other side. The camera cannot see the depth and colors like the eye can, so special effects would be extremely important to distinguish between each person's viewpoint, because not everyone sees colors and the world in the same way. Perspective is a vital point of film, art, and life. It shapes the way people think about the work and the world. Perspective is key to film because it tells the viewer exactly what is going on and what and who are important.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Today is the 14 year anniversary of Tupac Shakur's death. He was honored on the radio and TV all day. Its a shame he died but at least I got rewarded with a WHOLE DAY of Tupac music videos on MTVJams!!! All of his songs tell different stories. He wasn't the type of rapper to make 15 songs about how much money and jewelry he had or how he liked to get drunk and party all the time. He has some really deep tracks and corresponding videos like "Brenda's Got a Baby" and "Keep Ya Head Up". He also had the fun "California Love" and "How Do You Want It" songs as well. Some of the videos such as, "How Do You Want It" and "I Get Around" are about having fun and partying with lots of beautiful women. However, most of the videos I watched during the all day marathon created a visual story to match his words. Even though I'm not a huge fan of "Brenda's Got A Baby" the video shows Brenda's plight to survive with a child in the ghetto.

I have a big issue with rap music nowadays because its all about money, cars, jewelry, hoes, how I'm the new best rapper ever and everyone else sucks, and making up a dance that is not only stupid but annoying! Few rappers tell stories anymore. While I have to admit I enjoy Gucci Mane's "Wasted" because its fun when you're going to a party or at a bar there isn't any real quality in the lyrics. Everyone thinks Lil Wayne is the most amazing rapper but I don't think he makes sense half the time! I rarely understand what he's saying because, to me, it sounds like whining syllables then a clever metaphor followed by more whining syllables. I think the new school rappers need to take a cue from the originators and realize that just because you have 1 hit song on the radio DOES NOT mean you're the new best rapper alive.

Arcade Fire video

I really love the Arcade Fire music video! I love music videos in general and it is so refreshing to see something completely new and creative. At first I typed in my childhood address and it told me that there weren't enough street views to use that address so I typed in my current Gainesville address instead. The views for this address weren't that good either, I saw the street and my neighbor's houses but I didn't see MY house! So after a first run of being a bit disappointed by the views I tried again, typing in the street I lived on in Florence, Italy during my summer study abroad in undergrad. It was pretty awesome! I saw the gate to my apt, the 24 hour Kebab place next door, the liquor store down the street, the pasticerria on the corner, and even the restaurant with the best carbonara!!

The graphics tied together the video of the running man and the Google Earth views in an interesting way though I didn't understand why huge trees were taking everything over. I also thought the postcard idea was cute and an easy way to take up time because there really can't be that many views of one street. The only down side to this video is the only way people can watch it is on the Internet, but I think it's worth it!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I feel like the three classes I'm taking overlap and are a bit redundant. I have to create THREE different final projects over the course of the semester when ONE would not only be a more efficient use of my time, but also result in a higher quality finished product, and would pass for all three classes. IS requires group work and so does ET but of course they will end up being different groups and IRS is a solo project. I'm still not fully grasping what it is I'm supposed to be producing. I really want to learn more than just relying on my TV production skills. I DO NOT want to make a movie. I made two during my undergrad and have no desire to make anymore...unfortunately I think I'll be making at least one more. I would really like to learn different digital media techniques but most of the people in my classes aren't interested in pushing the envelope and want to rely on traditional medias instead.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Samorost and Mythology

I just finished playing Samorost and while the animation was interesting I'm not a fan. The 6 level game makes you figure out random and weird puzzles to divert a branch from running in to your branch ball world. The game is interactive because you are clicking around to solve the puzzle and advance your little man but the outcome will always be the same. I don't think I'll be playing Samorost 2.

Mythology has always been an interest of mine. When I was a little girl I read books about Greek mythology and loved the stories. The Gods and humans that they interacted with were such vivid characters and the stories were so fantastical that I read them over and over. Persephone was kidnapped by Hades and ate one seed in the underworld so for the 3 months she is separated from her mother is supposed to explain the winter season. Pandora and her box is the reason for all the bad emotions in the world because she couldn't resist the temptation. Icarus, Medusa, minotaurs, nymphs, and chariots flying the sun across the sky filled my mind as a child. Even though I knew they weren't true it was a fun way to explain natural phenomena.

I also liked Aesop's fables including The Ant and the Grasshopper, The Lion and the Mouse, The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs, and the Town Mouse and City Mouse. I never liked The Tortoise and The Hare because it is so unrealistic. The hare would never stop for a nap he would just finish the race and nap after!

Other favorite childhood stories/myths of mine came from a book by Julius Lest called "How Many Spots Does a Leopard Have?" THere are lots of stories about why the sun and moon live in the sky, why dogs chase cats, and tug-of-war. Myths, fables, and other stories are a great way to teach kids not to be vain, jump to conclusions, and to listen to their parents.